Microsoft features the Magic Mirror

person-1435541_960_720Magic Mirrors had been with us for a very long time. Now, not only Walt Disney have magic mirrors, Microsoft too have a magic mirror that you can actually find useful in your day to day routines.

The magic mirror will give out information such as the date and time, weather forecasts, stocks update, and traffic update. The information can be controlled depending on the user’s needs.

Build your own magic mirror

Do you like the magic mirror concept? Unfortunately there is no real production of these magic mirrors yet. However, Microsoft provides instructions on how to create you own magic mirror, powered by Raspberry Pi.

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Learn more! Watch The Magic Mirror

The makers explained further that the LCD is placed at the back of a regular one-way mirror. This way the user still has the ability to see their reflection and at the same time the information displayed on the mirror.

The information is displayed in such a way that it doesn’t block or go in the way of the user, therefore being able to use the mirror as it was.

The magic mirror is supported by Raspberry pie that runs on windows 10 which makes this device is a quick and easy DIY for anyone even to those who have little technical knowledge.