How Manga and Anime (Japanese Animation) Affected The State of Western Animation

Anime and Manga are an important part of Japanese culture. It has been around for a long time and it is not going anywhere anytime soon. Anime has had a huge impact on the western animation industry. Anime has been influencing western animation for decades and this trend seems to be continuing in the future.

The manga and anime industry is much bigger than most people think it is. It is so big that it even influences western animation and movies to some degree. Anime’s popularity has led to an increase in Western animated television series that is influenced by anime styles, such as Avatar: The Last Airbender, Samurai Jack, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

In the 1990s, it became a mainstream phenomenon in the United States and other parts of the world. In the West, anime is often referred to as Japanese animation. This is because anime is typically produced in Japan and distributed to other countries. The term “anime” comes from the English pronunciation of “animation”.

Manga comics have gone digital through digital comics such as those Kakalot Manga. They are popular among Korean audiences, but they have been gaining traction in other countries as well.

An Analysis of the Social & Economic Aspects of Manga And Anime in the United States

Manga and anime are popular in the United States. Let’s take a look at a simple analysis of the social and economic aspects of manga and anime in the United States.

Manga and anime from a social perspective.

  • As a tool to help people express their emotions in ways, they may not be able to otherwise. Manga helps people express emotions in ways they may not be able to. It has its own aesthetic, style, and rules that can make it difficult for readers to fully relate and understand, but it can also help people overcome limitations. At their best, manga and anime are a safe space where readers can explore different perspectives that may be difficult to articulate.
  • As an escape from reality when needed and help people find their identities. Many people have turned to writing (in all forms including comic book writing), sketches, and doodles as a form of relaxation and escape from reality. It has been shown that these activities can help people rediscover themselves and find their identities.
  • As a tool for education or historical purposes. Many educators use Manga comics and anime to better explain history. The visual graphics better show how people were in the early days. How important people have fought for the country and gained freedom, etc. Students understand better when using visual presentations thus the use of Manga or Anime comes in handy for educational purposes.

Manga/anime from an economic perspective

To better understand the economic impact of the success of Manga and Anime in the United States, the following questions need answers. At this point, a thorough analysis of its economic perspective should be made.

  • What do these industries mean for the country’s economy?
  • Do these industries contribute to the GDP of countries?
  • How much do they contribute?
  • Do they have any effects on job markets and wages?

Generally, the manga and anime success in the West means good for the economy of Japan, however, poses danger to the hosting country. Its success may have driven low figures for Western Comics and Cartoons. But altogether, its success makes a great contribution to the world economy as a whole.

Read also: How Technology Benefits Consumerism

Did manga comics and anime overturn western comics?

Manga comics and anime have been a product of Japan’s culture for decades. In the 70s, they were brought to the west, where they were met with acclaim. Some scholars suggest that these foreign comics may have actually helped overturn Western comics.